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Sacred Geometry

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Sacred Geometry is the language of the Divine, it is the blueprint of all creation. Everything that is created on earth is rooted in the language of the Divine which is made up of numbers, letters and sounds. When we connect with the true meaning of geometry, we can go back thousands of years to the teachings of ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, highly influential Italian mathematician Fibonacci and the famous Italian polymath and artist Leonardo Da Vinci. 


An example of Sacred Geometry in ancient architecture are many holy and spiritual structures which were built according to mathematical principals like the Pythagorean triangle. Da Vinci is one of the great initiates who combined science and spirit and brought it out in his designs and work.


Pythagoras understood the mystical powers of geometry before it was seen as purely mathematical and used for architecture and diameter. Over time, Sacred Geometry was made devoid of its spiritual essence. By reconnecting with the spirituality of geometry we are able to transcend into the space where we are abundant in our own creative power.


When we use Sacred Geometry we are creating positive energy, frequency and vibration.


Evidence of Sacred Geometry is everywhere. In every flower, storm, shell, droplet of water, grain of sand, feather, cell and more. By creating sacred geometric patterns in our spaces with crystals which are highly energised, we are creating a space by which we can access our divine potential. 


Are you interested in learning more about the power of sacred geometry as an art… and an energetic practice in your life..?


Get in touch now!

The Vitruvian Man is a drawing made by Leonardo da Vinci in about 1490. It embodies Sacred Geometric principles like the use of measurements as well as spiritual and alchemical symbolism, and therefore has incredibly high vibrational energy. 

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